Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday Morning...

I know who I am but who are you? you're not looking like you used to... you're on the other side of the mirror so nothing's looking quite as clear... thank you for turning on the lights... thank you now you're the parasite... I didn't think you had it in you...

There are quite a few things that bother me. I'm a pretty easy going person, but once you get on my bad side, its usually incredibly hard to get yourself off of it. I don't like being that way. I am Italian, it's in my blood to forgive but not forget. I wish I could turn that part of my brain off sometimes because I don't particularly like being like that. But on the other hand, I don't mind being cynical. I don't enjoy being bitchy, but I really don't forget anything bad. It is THE most annoying character flaw anyone can possess, and here I am possessing it.

I try and tell myself that I need to cut the shit, but some things really get under my fucking skin. Like the new Google search, for example. Why oh why did they have to change it? Every damn time I go to search for something, I type in ONE FUCKING LETTER, and Google decides that it is a fucking mind reader and gives me what I MIGHT be thinking about based on the first letter. Google is all "I can name that search in ONE LETTER" getting all Name That Tune on me. Anyway, I will forgive, but I will not forget Google. You're fucking annoying these days. Just because I type in R doesn't mean I give a fuck about Rebecca Black. GRRRR.

Obviously, I didn't sit here with my 16 ounce Coors Light to discuss my issues with Google, but I was just giving you examples, you know, because I'm cool like that. I am sitting here in my little apartment. My tiny slice of the American Dream. And I am so completely happy to be here. It's me and the cat, chilling and relaxing. Couldn't ask for anything more right now. Not too long ago I was told that I work too many hours and that I don't really LIVE my life. And I felt so completely miserable being told that. I believe I live my life. I do what I want, when I want. And for a while I actually started to believe my life was shit. That I didn't make a shitload of money and had to work like a dog and that I would never amount to anything if I kept going at that pace. But the truth is that I am happy. I am. I go through spurts of hating life, but that's just to keep the balance. You can't be happy every single second of every single day. And if you are, you're lying to yourself. You have to have a balance of emotions. That's my opinion, doesn't mean I'm right.

I just hate when people feel the need to brag about how great life is and rub it in your face if yours isn't exactly like theirs. It gets under my skin. I don't think it's a jealousy thing, but I could be wrong. I just feel that no matter what you have in this life, you should recognize where you came from. You should recognize that no matter what you possess, there are others out there who have less than you. That no matter how great everything seems, there is way more going on than the facade. I just don't like when people feel the need to brag. It really takes the beauty out of it. And so my life may be a little shitty life compared to yours, but I'm happy with it. I know who I am and where I came from. I know I have overcome more shit than some people see in one life time and I know I've only seen a fraction of what others have seen.

I hope everyone is having a great 4th of July weekend. I hope you are doing things with people you care about. I hope you are out there doing whatever makes you happy. I'm all about supporting decisions as long as it makes you happy. So I'm on your side. Just don't fuck with me. Then you have one less person on your side. And just for the record, I'm a really rad person to have on your side.

Thanks for reading...

I thought I knew you... but I've got a new view... I thought I knew you well... oh well...

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