Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Are We The Waiting...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
My Occupy Wall Street Post...
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A Beautiful Mess...
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Oh Glory...
Monday, August 8, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Fuckin' Perfect...
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Sunday Morning...
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Trade Mistakes...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Life is kicking my ass these days. I don't like admitting that. But it seems something's gotten the best of me and I have no idea what it is. It's frustrating beyond belief. I'm struggling. Every single day, I have to dig deep into my guts to find my smile. Memories of my past flood my brain. They won't stop. All the what ifs and the what could be's are killing me. They are draining every single ounce of strength out of me. I am losing my patience. I am losing my ability to keep my head up. Everything feels so incredibly heavy and I'm tired.
I don't know what to do. I really don't. I know that my job doesn't make me happy, but I'm not one to quit and take my chances. I have a mortgage, it's not realistic. My relationship is probably failing since I have the ability to ruin the best things in my life. The black cloud that follows me eventually takes its toll and it starts to spread out on the men I manage to suck into this vortex of hell that is me. I manage to magically change the happiest into the most miserable. Jesus Christ. I really don't wanna be that fucking girl.
I just ruin everything. I really do. I don't have the mental capacity to deal with everyday mundane bullshit. The Pisces in me is scared to death of the same fucking thing every damn day. I am so completely scared. I am cynical. I am wary of people. I don't trust people any more. I believe that everyone has an agenda. And I am not willing to give up who I am for someone who can't do the same for me. I am just scared. I don't want to be nagged. I don't want to be told what to do. I don't want advice. I don't even wanna fucking talk anymore. I just want quiet. I don't wanna be told how horrible I am because I don't wanna have sex. I don't wanna be told I need to work faster because there was a supposed meeting that I wasn't involved in that pushed my deadlines to fucking yesterday. I just want quiet. I don't even know who the hell I am anymore. I really don't. I'm tired. I'm a liar and a bitch. I am all of those bad things and I don't deserve to be happy. I am a black widow spider. I just can't deal with anything anymore.
I just want everything to stop for two seconds so I can catch my breath. Everything is so NOW NOW RIGHT FUCKING NOW and it's frustrating. I was never the girl that couldn't catch up and now I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of nonsense. What am I fighting for? Why am I so angry? I don't know. I am just tired. Tired of having to prove myself when I know I'm better than that. It's exhausting. And I'm exhausted. I just wanna be happy. And I'm so afraid that I will never get there. I'm so afraid that I'm gonna push everyone away. I'm just all over the place today and I just need a few seconds to get my bearings. And at this moment in time I feel like I'm asking for too much. That my requests are going to wear the people I love down. That I'm going to inadvertently end up hurting someone while trying to slow the madness down. And so I sit here and write this out because it's been eating me alive all day. I can't stop this defective carousel from spinning and it's frustrating.
Hopefully tomorrow will be an upper, today was a downer and a half...
Monday, May 9, 2011
I and Love and You...
When at first I learned to speak I used all my words to fight... With him and her and you and me, but it's just a waste of time... Yea it's such a waste of time...
I am a fighter, not a lover. I spend my time fighting for what I need and what. I fight for the ones I love. I fight with myself on a daily basis trying so hard to understand what I need and want. Everyday is a struggle because I have no clue...
When I think about all the time that was wasted on pointless bullshit, I feel like an asshole and I push the rest of the world away as I try to bring myself back to feeling ok. I am agitated today, wasting a lot of my awake time thinking about what a bitch I am and how I am horrible and deserve nothing. When I feel like everything is alright and I haven't done anything wrong, it is then that I realize that I have unconsciously hurt someone somehow, and that annoys the shit outta me.
And so today is gonna be one of those days where I smile on the outside but my heart is in agony. Wondering how I manage to fuck up even when I think I'm good. And it's going to be one of those days where I keep to myself because the fight in my head is taking over my whole body and I can't spend the day crying at my desk.
The fighter in me has pushed people away because I was stubborn and couldn't hurt my pride. But I'm wondering now if the fight was worth it. Because I am the one agonizing over this, and its eating me alive. The need to prove how strong I am has made me weak. Today is a day where I feel the agony of defeat. Where everything in my head doesn't make sense. And I miss him more than I knew I could and I wish I didn't. And I wonder if he misses me too. And it's going to be a day where I know I could have been happy but I was too proud to let someone get the best of me.
So that's all for now...
Thanks for reading...
Three words that became hard to say...I and Love and You...
Friday, May 6, 2011
Don't You Remember...
Ah, ya gotta love the curveballs in life... That's what I keep telling myself. That's what I tell myself to try to get back to a normal state of mind... Whatever the fuck that is... What's great about curveballs is that they always hit me square in the guts... Like, really fucking hard.
I have been good for a while. But as usual that feeling never stays. There is ALWAYS another shoe ready to drop. You would think I wouldn't be so surprised anymore, but I guess my head is so jam packed with bullshit that I don't have the brain capacity to remember the last time I felt another emotion besides completely fucking exhausted. And then we factor in social networking sites and bam! It's a perfect curveball coming at me. Curveballs into the guts or shoes dropping, whatever metaphor works better for you...Yes ladies and gents, a picture of the ex managed to knock me over.
My issue here is that I harbor these feelings for him and I'm not even sure if they are good or bad anymore. I see his smile and I miss him but at the same time I get so upset that he's happy. I get angry that his life is normal and not total and complete fucking chaos like mine. That if I had just kept my mouth shut about marriage at 25 we would have worked out. And I know that I am craving clarity and that's why its easy to say that everything would have been great if we had just worked it out 4 years ago... I want to see him and tell him I'm sorry and that I was a stupid girl and I'm different now... But that's not true. I'm the same strong willed me, just a few years older and less willing to change who I am...
Now I am all over the place with emotions. Feeling the cravings for nesting and being a mom and the fairytale and all that bullshit. And I want the life I dreamt of. I want it and it's shattered and I have been trying to put the pieces back together ever since. It's just so incredibly sad to me that I have a good life with so much to be grateful for and I waste my time wondering what "could have been"...
Just had to push this out of the pile of mush formerly known as my brain. Life is good, but I have to live in right now, not then...
Thanks for reading...
I often think about where I went wrong... The more I do, the less I know...
Friday, April 8, 2011
Ill With Want...
This has been a rough couple of months. I turned Dirty 30, totally fucking awesome. Really, I had the best night of my whole life. It was rad and I'm so happy. I drank out of a huge goblet, was tricked into doing shots of whiskey and I didn't puke, pass out or cry. Epic fucking win. But back here in reality, I am having a hard time. Not that I can't deal, it's just that reality is annoying the shit out of me lately. Like, I really wanna scream at people.
I had surgery last week on my deviated septum. Best shit ever. It's annoying now because it's healing inside and itchy, but I can breathe and that's a HUGE bonus. I was scared to death to do it and it was for no reason, I feel awesome health-wise. Haven't smoked since right before surgery, feeling good in the lung department as well. What I'm having a problem with is humanity in general. The need for instant gratification is so fucking aggravating that I feel like I'm losing my mind. I am one person. I'm not trying to play martyr here, but really, I am one, very small person in this great big world. And to expect shit from me and give a nasty response when I don't deliver instantly only pisses me off and makes me shut down. It makes me not want to do things for people. It makes me not want to talk to you. It makes me want to throw the phone across the room.
I'm over worked in every aspect of my life and it's frustrating. Especially when I'm trying to get to good. I'm tired of being asked what I want in my future. I don't know. I can't predict shit. I was just gonna ride this life thing out and see where it takes me. And I hate when people say that I control my destiny and that I can't just sit back and let life guide me. I used to say that too, and I could smack myself for saying it. That's such a fucking new wavey thing to say... you control your destiny... seize the day! I trust what I trust and believe with my whole heart that everything in this life happens for a reason. You read the signs and get to the next phase. But since everyone wants an answer RIGHT FUCKING NOW, it's a little difficult to explain my theory of seeing where life is gonna take me next.
Anyway, I'm ok for once. I'm not anxious, haven't had a migraine in a week, been sleeping well, haven't smoked, once my nose heals I'm going to start running every day. So far so good. I'm just tired of the questions that I don't have answers to right now. And I'm tired of the bullshit attitudes that follow when I don't have an answer. I am human and I'm still trying to put myself together. Just pump the brakes a bit. I don't know, maybe I sound like a fucking bitch, but I need me to be ok. I have to live with me for the rest of my life, and I just need me to be ok...
Thanks for reading...
ill with want and poisoned by this ugly greed...
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Let The Music Play...
I'm losing my fight. I'm not fighting with anyone in particular... I'm just losing the fight in me. Like I'm too tired to fight back anymore. I have been sick for 4 weeks. FOUR weeks. That's too fucking long in my book. WAY too fucking long. I don't want to get out of bed in the morning because it feels like someone kicked my ass while I was sleeping. I wake up with my pajama pants around my boobs and twisted to the side, hair is a fucking birds nest and I'm thinking "What the FUCK went on while I was sleeping??" I check to make sure the cat is alive and well, he is. Then I dawdle while picking out clothes, already an hour late to work. Listening to the trains pass behind my building and wonder which one I will finally get on. Sigh.
Life is kicking my ass right now. I have no time to mend my illness because I am too busy with work. Again, I am not doing anything for the greater good. I am a slave to piles of paper that won't go away. I come home and it's the same shit. While continuing paperwork that I had to take home because of stupid deadlines, I have the bitch downstairs banging shit on the ceiling when I talk too loud. I'm losing my mind. I just want it all to stop. Seriously, I'm gonna lose my mind.
But I have great people around me who love me and so I'm grateful for that. I am just trying to get better because I feel like ass. Dirty 30 is TEN days away people! TEN! And I am so fucking excited because it's gonna be an awesome couple of days of celebration with my favorite people on the planet and so that is getting me through all this bullshit. But it really is time for a life evaluation here. I am one fucking person with the whole entire world on her shoulders every day. I do it to myself. I make myself available and I let people walk all over me. But I've come to the conclusion that I am not desperate enough to let people take complete advantage of me... I'm getting into a "Fuck it" kinda mode where I really don't care about work. They need me. That sounds shallow, but they do.
Anyway, I said 2011 was gonna be my year and I'm determined to make it so. This is a new decade of life and I'm ready for it. I am ready to embrace it and start standing up for myself. It only took me forever, but it's time. I am so tired. I plug in my ear buds and I tune everyone out. I live by the soundtrack of my day. I start off fresh in the morning doing my best to make sure it's a good day. Sometimes it is, sometimes not so much. But if I end the day smiling, it's all gravy.
what do I do when it's all been done... when the words have all been sung... and I've given up the best of me... let the music play...
Thanks for reading...
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Kings and Queens...
Today kiddies... today is exactly ONE MONTH until Dirty 30. My general attitude about it is changing. I am actually less afraid and more excited. I'm excited about a fresh new decade of life for me. Maybe a more mature one. Maybe not. I have been putting a lot of pressure on 30 and I'm not really sure why. It's not that serious. The only thing that freaks me out is if I will have enough eggs to produce children someday, but I'm not ready to be a mom yet, so there's that.
I have been working like a damn dog. For what? I have no idea. I guess just because it's my job and that's how I roll. And people keep telling me its just a job... Ok. Yea it's just a job, but it's my job and I can't afford to lose it right now. Not to mention, I have been with the company for 6+ years. These people know me and accept me for who I am. Yea they pile on the work and maybe take just a wee bit advantage of me, but it's not like I work for free. I get paid time and a half for any extra work. Whatever. Why am I explaining this here?! Anyway, I don't know of anybody who can just live off the land and not work. So why do people keep telling me that I'm not "living" by working this much? If I had a husband and children and I was working this much, then yes, I have a problem. But I am a single girl supporting HERSELF. I depend on me and I wouldn't have it any other way. When I come home everyday and walk into my apartment, I know it's mine. I owe no one for my accomplishments and my wants and needs and that is enough for me to get my ass on that train every morning and have them pile on the work.
It's so easy for people to tell you how you should be living your life. I am guilty of it myself. As humans we care about people. We want people to see the good in themselves that we see. We get defensive when someone says something about someone we care about. I get it. It's human nature to want to defend someone you love. I don't see anything wrong with my life at this moment in time. I work a lot because I figure I should because I can right now. So many people are unemployed in this economy right now that I don't see myself going "Fuck it, I quit." I can't possibly imagine what would bring me to that point right now, but I'll let you know if I think of anything. Also, I think that I secretly thrive on insanity... but that's a whole other blog post in and of itself...
3 days before my Dirty 30 celebration I want to be in San Francisco. It's my favorite city in the USA. I was so excited, ready to book a trip last night and special friend shot it down. And I'm a little mad about it because it's my 30th birthday and I'm gonna be the one paying for it anyway (let's be honest here). He's like "you don't think that'll be too much right before your birthday weekend?" NOOOOO. I want a Ghiradelli ice cream sundae FROM Ghiradelli for my 30th birthday. I wanna eat fucking lobster at one of the restaurants on the Fisherman's Wharf. My idea has been shot down, but that does NOT mean I won't be on that plane... I'll keep you posted... I am usually impulsive so this may happen...
Anyway, I'm tired of hearing the sounds of snow blowers and shovels. We are buried alive in the NYC again. I think there's about a foot outside, but I don't care. I walk places in snow drifts so once my blood rises to cabin fever mode I will just take a walk somewhere. Plug in the music and walk in the beautiful white outside. It's usually the only time in the NYC when it's 90% quieter than usual and that's huge. Cars aren't driving so fast, everyone slows down a bit. Then the day after the blizzard everyone is back to being in a rush and splashing black mushy snow everywhere in their douchebag SUV's that are always more important than everyone else... so I'm going to enjoy today while I can. Before all the "more important" assholes come out of the woodwork tomorrow.
Hope everyone is having a lovely day!
Thanks for reading...
we are the kings... we are the queens...
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Viva La Vida...
It's 2011. Twenty friggin eleven. I'm still trying to process it. It's 16 days in and I still haven't fully accepted it. I'm going to be Dirty 30 in a month and 11 days. Life is crazy. THIRTY. Mother of pearl. Sigh.
New me, new blog this year. I don't wanna look at my old posts. Sad and pathetic me. Blah blah blah. I won't do it. Yes I will use the blog to vent frustrations, but I'm gonna try to keep it light hearted this time around. I am not going to have my 30's end up like my 20's where I spent a lot of time having pity parties for myself.
The end of 2010 really messed with me and so I'm feeling a little wiser today. I got sucker punched in my guts a bunch up until the very last day of 2010, so I'm not going that route this year. At least I'm sure as fuck gonna try not to go there. But, I am an ever changing lunatic and so we'll see in a few months what happens.
Anyway, this is it. The tales of me. Hope I give you some goodies this year. But we'll see what happens. So far 2011 has been kicking my little ass, but I'm going to change that this year. I'm not trying to put any pressure on the new year, but shit has to change. And I have faith that it will.
Happy New Year! Here's to 2011!
Thanks for reading!